Thursday, March 29, 2012

Week 53 - Thursday, March 29th, 2012

Hey Family- I hope you got the pictures and have been able to look at them (from my st. patty's day package). I figured that would be easier then sending memory cards home.
There's so much to share this week that I don't know exactly where to begin...
This week has been an MTE week and it'll continue for the rest of this week as well. Basically we all get together in different groups of zones to listen to President and talk about what we could do better - whatever he feels inspired to talk about. Well after the first MTE there is something called coaching, where a coach goes out with a companionship and helps them throughout the day to apply what they've learned. Well as a trainer sister I get to go coach half of the proselyting sisters companionships, usually the english ones. To prepare us, we had a leadership training meeting with President and the Mission Department (which was a special treat).
So for starters Sister Clayton came out with us Tuesday evening to coach us, then we had the leadership training meeting on Thursday which was an all day event. The head person over the proselyting department actually was the mission president in Mesa, Arizona about 5 years ago. Go figure. It was really good and we learned a LOT! I really couldn't tell you all of it now... so you'll have to wait till I get home. :) But the biggest thing we talked about was teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ because that is really the core of Everything. And how better to explain that we believe in Christ than to teach His doctrine and how we follow Him. It was really neat and that is something I will strive to apply throughout my mission. I also realized how little time I have left. Because of this, my companion and I have made a decision that we cannot talk about home.... because it just wouldn't help. It's helped in that we are more focused and I love it. I'm truly trying to apply the Gospel in my life and in my teachings and I'm loving everything I'm learning.
Well Friday I went and coached Sis. McCloy and Lee after their MTE - which was lots of fun to be with them in my old area Clairemont. We saw lots of miracles. Then yesterday, after my own MTE, I went with some spanish sisters. It was hard. I understood a lot of what they said but I couldn't say much back so I was shockingly quiet. But we saw a huge miracle last night and I was able to bear my testimony along with the other sisters amidst a lot of contention in this family. I said it in English but one of the sisters translated it and the spirit was soooo strong. We all testified of the Savior, of His divine roll and of our Father's Plan for us. It was the most powerful lesson I've been in for a while. And even though there was contention before and we were so confused, as we testified the Spirit touched all of the hearts there and everyone was silent. It was just so powerful. :) So tomorrow I'll be going with Sister Mitchel and sister Richardson to Green Valley and then I'll be with Sis. Park on Friday in Imperial Valley - which is like 4 hours from home. haha Anywho.
I love working with these sisters, they are so great and I am so fortunate to see miracles with them. It's the greatest assignment Ever! I realized just the other day why Heavenly Father gave me this assignment. Before going to El Cajon I think I was getting a little lazy in Green Valley. Not terribly but I know I wasn't giving my all. Now Heavenly Father is telling me that I have more to give and He's giving me motivation to do it - I have to be able to help other sisters so I better get it myself. :) It's a gentle reminder from Heavenly Father that I need to change and give more of myself.
Well the last thing I wanted to talk about was about church last Sunday. Our ward is truly becomming a missionary-minded ward. Last week was fast Sunday and everyone who got up bore their testimony about a missionary experience they've had lately. It was really neat. Bishop also got up and bore his testimony. He's been working with a family that has basically asked him if he knew of any churches they could attend. He's pretty excited. He also met with elder Hainey who is over our area this past week. Elder Hainey said that today it isn't missionary work we're doing as members of this church, it's Gathering Israel. It is the time to prepare for the second coming. We are the voice of warning, yet also the voice of comfort and assurance that all who follow Chirst's doctrine will find peace and joy. It's so neat to share that with others. And there are people who have that Israelish gene, they are looking for home and are waiting to find it. They are all around us. Sometimes they will ask us to find home and sometimes we need to invite them. But if we open our mouths we will be able to bring so many of God's children back home and how great will be our joy! :)
I love this work! I love all that I get to do every day and I'm still trying to become a better person. I hope that the Lord can mold me into the person I need to be and that I'll be humble enough to listen. That is my constant prayer and I'm grateful that the Lord allows me to learn and grow. :) I Love you all and hope all is going well back home! Talk to everyone and share who you are with them. You never know who is ready to hear the gospel message.

Lots of Love,
Sister Maureen Davis

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Week 52 - Thursday, March 15th, 2012

Dear Family,
Life has been good. We've been chugging along as usual. :) I can't remember much about this week except for Sunday. Sunday was a really hard day, we had so many goals that we were trying to meet and we seemed to not be able to meet any of them and I was just plain frustrated. It was hard but I realized that I needed to try working harder and to trust God more. So after a pretty dismal afternoon and a difficult conversation with someone who is Extrememly opposed to the church... we just wanted to go home BUT, Heavenly Father knew it would be a difficult day so He blessed us with a Mission President's Fireside that night. It was truly a tender mercy. We got there and were able to practice the song we were singing that night, and immediately we started feeling better. However the best part of the whole thing was when President got up and bore his testimony. He talked about the spirit we felt as we listened to the music and the testimonies and then said "so what?" What will we do now that we've felt that spirit? When Elder Zwick was here, his main question was "Am I Willing?" Am I willing to change? What am I willing to change? He told us that if we are willing to change, we will have the Spirit. If we are Not willing to change, we won't have the spirit. So what are we willing to change? It was an eye opener for me. Recently I have been a bit stubborn with the way I do things in my work. I want to do it my way at my own leisure and that's just not how it works. So I realized I needed to change to have the Spirit with me in my work, I need to be More willing to do God's will and not my own.
President also mentioned the power of the Atonement, that we can change, that because of the atonement we have the opportunity and ability to change and become more like our Father in Heaven. I didn't really understand that until yesterday morning when I felt very overwhelmed during study. I felt like I'm not trying hard enough, that I haven't been a good example because we haven't been able to find Anyone in a few weeks. I was so frustrated with myself and Sis. Turner piped up and said "do you remember what President talked about last night? The Atonement can help us in this predicament too. We don't have to continue feeling like we can't do anything and that we're hopeless and helpless. We don't need to feel like we're bad missionaries. Because of the Atonement we can put the past behind us and start clean and fresh Today!" I had to laugh about that because that's what I'm teaching everyone but I apply it to sins of commission and in this case I guess we've been guilty of sins of omission. But regardless of what the case may be we can be forgiven. We can start fresh and clean! The weight was lifted off my shoulders and I realized just how important this gospel is. That we can't receive the fullness of the Atonement's effects without baptism by the Priesthood authority of God. What does that mean? we must be baptized by someone who holds that Priesthood to truly have a remission of sins. Yes, we feel better but the weight cannot be taken away without access to that atoning grace. I understand that now and I'm so grateful that I have that in my life and that I was able to feel that yesterday morning. :) I know this church is true. I know the Savior did perform that Atonement, purely out of love for us and for our Father in Heaven. That Atonement covers Everything we do if we follow His example, are baptized by those holding the Priesthood power and allow the Atonement to work in our lives by having faith and repenting. It is necessary for those feelings of guilt and shame to be gone. I love my Savior! I'm so grateful for all He has done for me and I hope and pray that I can share even a bit of that truth with others. :)
I love you all! Thanks for letting me share my experience, not that you had any choice in the matter... ;) But I truly do love the Lord and this Gospel and I know He loves each and every one of us! :)

Keep setting wonderful examples and let the Atonement work in your life by being "willing to change" always.

Love you,
Love Sister Maureen Davis

PS Happy Early Birthday Mom!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Week 51 - Thursday, March 8th, 2012

Okay, logistics first, keep asking Maddy about registration dates, i think I'll probably get on next week to see what I need to do about it and then I'll let you know more.  Thanks mom!
As for everything else... This was a long week. We've been stuggling to find people for a while now and we're just praying to get more out of our comfort zones to do so. I did exchanges on Friday with Sis. Hudson! It was so fun to be back with her and surprising how easy it was to teach with her, we still have the rhythm down I guess. :) It was really neat, we met with our latest new investigator, Dylan who was less than enthusiastic but the family (who are less active) were so excited and they were bearing testimony to him. It was really neat!
While on exchanges we learned the importance of member work. There was a lady we met with from my ward who was sweet as ever and who shared a really neat miracle story about missionary efforts. She had been talking to someone she works with about religion without ever identifying her religion. So the lady she was talking with told her that for the past five years she's been having a dream and she said she thinks it's God speaking to her through this dream. Sister Oaks, the member, said she believed her and that she knows God can speak through dreams. So this lady was surprised and ended up telling her about the dream. She dreamt that she was walking around this beautiful tree, And on the tree there was fruit that was like an orange but Golden. Her greatest desire was to have her family try some of this fruit! So she looked around and saw a long path from the tree with fruit scattered down the path. That's all she remembered. But sis. oaks was astonished and told her she knew someone else who had a dream very similar to that and that it was found in the Book of Mormon and it actually explains what it means in that book. The woman was so surprised, she wanted to read it! So sis. oaks is going to get her a copy of it this week. It was so neat. The Lord really prepares people to hear His gospel and the truth. It's so neat!
The rest of the week was fairly good, Beth and Ruth should have a baptismal date next week, Beth is going to pray for a date, she's finally ready! We're so excited for them. as for Minerva, we're still working with her. We just did a family home evening with the family last night and we ended up playing bula, bula haha they all loved it (including my companion) So I'm just spreading the traditions. :)
Oh and this last testimony meeting was so sweet. Everyone got up and bore their testimonies about missionary work! And the less active woman we've brought back to church stayed for Gospel Principles class and made so many wonderful comments. Things are looking really good for that family too.
Thanks for the emails each week. They really brighten my day. I love you all and hope all is going well back home. I hope the nasty bug has left too. :) Love you! Give everyone a hug and a kiss from me.
Love Sister Maureen Davis

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Week 50 - Thursday, March 1st, 2012

Dear Family and Friends... yeah! :)
Hey I love you all. I've had a great week. From meeting with Elder Zwick, twice, in zone leader council and zone conference, to the miracles we've had with some less actives coming back to church, to our exchange with the spanish sisters. It's been a good week. I wrote down Lots of notes from Elder Zwick but they have all seemed to escape my mind. I do remember that he warned us to protect our companions from making mistakes and not being exactly obedient because that can lead to bigger things. And I remember how much he and his wife stressed using Preach my Gospel, not only as missionaries but as members. It just states our doctrine so purely and simply. It was great and I'll have to share more of my notes when I get home. :)
As for the exchange it was good, I'm getting better at knowing what to do for these sisters. Sister Hansen and I talked about the vision and goals we have for our sisters and I'm excited to work more with them. In fact I'm going to be with Sis. Hudson again this friday! I'm excited to be with her again and see how she's doing. We're singing in the upcoming fireside in Poway. Which reminds me, today when I was at the Temple I saw Sis. Davis and Brother Gaughan, both wonderful members I served with up in Green Valley! It was so cool to see them there. And Sis. Davis did a double take when she saw me. :) I also saw Sis. Tengburg, another one from Green Valley at our zone conference lunch. I love Green Valley people. :) It was a really good day at the Temple today too. We had some investigators that we prayed for there and I think we have some ideas of what we can do with them so I'm excited.
As for the miracles with some less actives. There was this lady who hasn't gone to church in forever. She just didnt think it was important, so we talked about the sacrament and preparing for it. It was like a light went on and she realized that she needed to prepare so she said "sisters, I'll be there. and I'll prepare too." She was there just as she said! Even though her grandson was in the hospital. Her home teacher went and gave him a blessing after church and when they gave the blessing, the spirit was so strong that an athiest who was dating this lady's daughter asked to learn more about that feeling. So on friday we taught him and he was excited to learn more. I know that Heavenly Father blesses us with miracles when we are working hard. We've been so blessed lately. I love this work and everything about it! I hope you are all doing well and staying humble and keeping up a great relationship with our Father in Heaven. He loves us and wants only the best for us. I know that is true and I love sharing it every day of my life. :)
Love Sister Maureen Davis
Ps - I love working with the people in El Cajon. I love to "consider their potential. From the day they arrive on the planet, blinking step into the sun. There's more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than - no hold on. Sorry, that's the Lion King. But the point still stands: leave them alone!" Okay sorry I had to throw that on. Sister Turner's sister sends her a Dr. Who quote every week so I thought I'd share the latest one, just for you mom. ;)