Here's Maureen's latest. Sounds like the sisters are getting a shake up.
*sigh* Tomorrow is transfers again. Man, Heavenly Father wants to keep me on my toes... yet again I won't be missing a transfer meeting. Sis. Park is leaving. And just as we were becomming power-house sisters! It makes me sad but I know it is for our good. Sis. Petty, an Australian sister, who came spanish speaking just left to the airport. :( We've been going crazy trying to get everything accomplished and get her on her way. I'm just surprised we didn't start crying. She was an amazing sister missionary. One of the first who really made me feel at home here even though she didn't know me. So we'll miss her and I've decided we should visit her in Australia soon. ;) haha
So yeah, Sister Park is leaving and will be training (which means she's whitewashing and opening up a new english sisters area! that's so exciting) But I will stay in Granite Hills and will get someone new tomorrow. With the small number of us I assume it'll either be Sis. McCloy again, Sis. Hudson again or Sis. Turner (sis. parks prior companion) unless President Really switches things around! It's funny having 8 english proselyting sisters in the mission, we get to know each other pretty well. I've been companions with 4 of them so far (not counting two others now at home). Now we have 2 new so that will bring us to 10! woohooo!
Anyways... Update on one of our favorite investigators: Beth and her daughter Ruth have a baptismal date for Feb 11th! It was so neat to see the spirit working on them. We taught part of the plan of salvation and the gospel of Jesus Christ and talked a lot about baptism. Beth was listening intently and Ruth enjoyed listening as always. We then invited them to be baptized for Feb 18th. Ruth said she would then realized she had something that day and she'd be at her dad's anyway. But it was pretty funny because as we planned for them earlier that week we had the idea of either Feb 11th or 18th. So we invited them for the 11th and they both said they'd do it! While Beth was thinking about agreeing for that date Ruth kept saying "say Yes! say Yes" haha Carston told us he was excited to be baptized on July 1st. After he turns 8 haha. It was just so amazing to see them progressing. And they repeatedly told us how reading scriptures as a family has helped them so much. It was a wonderful experience and we're so happy for them.
Side notes: mom the shuffle won't work because there is no button to push play unless you have the special headphones which I obviously cannot use. ;) but it's alright I've been using the music on my ipod in the car. So thanks for that! Oh and I finally made my birthday cake which was delicious! And we went to the mission home today for lunch so President could say goodbye to sis. Petty, all the new missionaries were there so we got to meet them. Hmmm... I can't think of much else. My mind is wandering as I'm still thinking of the numerous things that need to be done before Sister Park leaves tomorrow. But know that I love you all so much! I miss you but know that everything is well.
I love you all! XoOxooxXxooOxXoo :)
Love Sister Maureen Davis
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