Thursday, September 15, 2011

Week 30 - Thursday, September 15th, 2011

To start the email off I thought we'd go off in a bang... FLO GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!! :)
There wasn't that fun? :) She was baptized on Saturday the 17th and let me tell you that was not an easy morning! Our mard mission leader and bishop were out of town and were flying in 45 minutes before the baptism started. So we were asked, last minute, to do lots of things including (and not limited to), picking up the programs, filling up the font, setting up the room, getting the baptismal clothing, etc. So we run around picking things up 2 hours before the baptism so we can fill up the font with enough time. We got the programs and went to grab the baptismal clothes from a members house. he told us the night before that he was going to put them in a box outside his front door. Of course we show up to his house and no box. no clothes. no nada. We tried not to freak out, we called everyone we could think of who could help and then decided there was nothing we could do right then so we went back to the stake center to fill up the font. Of course we couldn't find the keys the elders left us so that took another 20 minutes, and finally we got things going. We arranged the room, checked the font every now and then, called the stake primary presidency (no one responded) and tried to look calm as we know how easily Flo gets worried. So we kept it cool and fortunately the sisters who began teaching her were there and talked to her for a while. It was 5 minutes to noon and we still couldn't find any clothes. The stake president tried using his keys to unlock things. He had every key But the one to the primary closet. Ha! well we told Flo what was going on and she just started laughing. She told us she knew that the only she would get baptized was if there was a huge challenge - and here it was. :) Our stake president's wife finally told Flo that she could borrow her temple dress to be Baptized in. (You should know that Flo Loathes, and I mean it, skirts and dresses of any kind!) But she turned to us and said "Heavenly Father would give me this irony." She accepted and was baptized in a temple dress while her husband who baptized her wore someone's white shirt and the white pants we found in the closet. It was altogether such a humorous moment that even Flo was smiling. This was Heavenly Father's last test to see if she really was willing and she passed with flying colors!
It was such a wonderful experience. The next day she was confirmed by her father-in-law and she just beamed the rest of the day. I have never seen her so happy in her whole life! She was so happy! It was really the Best Day Ever.
It's so great to see one of Heavenly Father's children remember who they are and their place in this life and desire to come back to Him by making that covenant. She's set on being sealed in the temple in a year's time and we're invited. I'll have to come back after! :) I'm sooo happy for her!
Anyway, as for the rest of the week... we've had miracles galore. we've had two experiences where we've double covered our area (another sister came up with us and we split in two and divided and conquered) We found two new investigators which was really interesting how they came about. One was through a member who randomly called us up the night before asking us to come teach her the next day and the other showed up at an investigators house, I off-handly remarked that I thought he came for the discussion and he ended up staying and offering his experiences with prayer. It was really neat! We were also able to see lots of less-actives who we usually can't find at home! It's been a great week and we have a stronger drive to work harder this week seeing how many blessings came last week.
Other then all of that i've realized lately that I've become a little casual in being a missionary and I need to step it up more. Not that it's bad but I just haven't been giving it my all and I think that's why we haven't been having as much success. Now that I know what I need to be doing I feel like it's only going to go up from here. :) I just need to work on the faith vs. fear feelings.
Well I'm glad everyone is doing alright. Sounds like Erin had a good date and that Emmy and Olivia are being Very helpful. That's wonderful! I'm so happy for you all and I love you all so much! Keep being those wonderful missionaries I know you are! I pray for you every night! Love ya!
Love Sister Maureen Davis

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